Australian Visa Options

Australian Visa Options

ACT Occupations List


While the number of open occupations has decreased, there is a slight variation in the skill type and industry sector of the occupations that are currently in demand. Changes include:

  • The status of the following occupations changed to closed:  All medical specialists (except general practitioners); surveyors; engineers; complimentary health therapists and optometrists.
  • The status of the following occupations changed to open: mechanics; welfare workers, building associates and plumbers.
  • The open status of the following occupations remains unchanged: child care centre managers, general practitioners; retail pharmacist; early childhood teachers; architects; medical imaging; registered nurses; panel beaters and psychologists.

The ACT 190 nomination guidelines have also been updated, effective 10/02/15, with formatting changes only.  In summary,  the ACT Skilled Migration Program will give preference to Canberra residents, or their immediate family living overseas who can demonstrate good employment prospects.

The guidelines and occupation list are available at