1 July 2020
The General Skilled Migration (GSM) and Business migration program for the 2019/20 financial year has now closed.
The State & Territory nomination program will remain temporarily CLOSED until the Commonwealth Government s allocation of state nomination places for 2020-21 takes place.
The GSM 2020/21 program year is scheduled to re-open from early August however, changes to the composition of the Australian Migration program might be made in October under the new budget.
Here is the detailed status of all the states based on the updates published today:
NT: Currently open. We are assuming that no nominations will be issued until the grant of new quota. New eligibility criteria in place for all applicants. Closed for offshore applicants.
WA: Currently open. No updates yet from state authority. We are assuming that no nominations will be issued until the grant of new quota.
NSW: Applications are open for 190 visa, closed for 491 visa. No nominations will be made until the allocation of new quota.
TAS: Application are open, but no nomination will be made until quota is received.
VIC: State nomination applications are temporarily closed. You can still lodge an EOI and then lodge the state nomination application once the new quota is allocated.
SA: Applications closed until early August. Will re-open subject to allocation of new quota.
ACT: Program to be temporarily closed until quota received from the DOHA
QLD: Currently closed. Will reopen upon allocation of new quota.
Source: Various state nomination authorities websites
Note: Currently open status implies that applicants meeting current criteria can apply for EOI and nomination application if invited by state authority. However, nominations will only be issued once the quota is allocated to respective state for this financial year.