Australian Visa Options

Australian Visa Options

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<p>Latest News</p>

New Simplified Student Visa Framework

1/7/16 The SSVF has been designed to make the process of applying for a student visa simpler to navigate for genuine students. From 1 July 2016: international students will apply for a single Student visa (subclass 500) regardless of their chosen course of study student guardians will apply for the new Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) a […]

ACT Program Open

1/7/16 The ACT nomination program for 2016-2017 is now open and the restriction affecting overseas applicants that was in place from 18 March 2016 no longer applies.

Norfolk Island Reforms

19/3/16 On 19 March 2015, the Australian Government announced comprehensive reforms for Norfolk Island. From 1 July 2016, the Australian Government will integrate Norfolk Island with mainland Australia tax, health and social security systems. The Australian Government will commence delivering essential national functions such as immigration, customs and biosecurity.

Changes to the 457 Program

19/4/16 The following changes have been made to the 457 program and are in effect from 19 April 2016: Non-Discriminatory Recruitment Practices – employers must make a declaration that they will not engage in non-discriminatory recruitment practices. ‘Discriminatory recruitment practice’ will be defined under a new regulation to mean a recruitment practice that directly, or […]

The Northern Territory Opens It’s Doors to Skilled Migration

16/4/16 The Northern Territory has added 63 occupations to the NT Occupation List. View the new list of occupations here:

Changes to Student Visas

16/4/16 The Student visa category will be reduced to 2 subclasses – the 500 (Student) visa and the 590 (Student Guardian) visa. The assessment levels will also be repealed. These changes will take effect in mid 2016.  

Closure of ACT Nomination Program to Overseas Residents

18/3/16 The ACT nomination program has been closed to overseas residents until 1 July 2016. It is still open to Canberra residents who meet the nomination criteria.

Priority Processing Available to Visitors for PRC Passport Holders

15/3/16 Passport holders from People’s Republic of China can now pay $1000 for priority processing of Visitor 600 visas in the Tourist or Business streams.

Changes to Eligibility for HELP Loans for NZ Citizens

1/1/16 From 1 January 2016, New Zealand citizens will be able to access HELP loans for tertiary study if you meet the following requirements: Hold a Special Category Subsclass 444 visa First entered Australia at least 10 years ago as a dependent child <18 years Ordinarily resident in Australia for previous 10 years (minimum 8/10) […]

ACT Releases Updated Occupation List

23/2/16 The new updated ACT Occupation List has just been released:

NSW 489 Regional Skilled Occupation List Updates

28/1/16 On January 28, the NSW 489 Regional Skilled Occupation List was updated with some important changes. Few occupations were added to the regional area of Far South Coast so they may be eligible for regional visa subclass 489. I. The following occupations were added to Far South Coast: 135111 (Chief Information Officer) 261112 (Systems Analyst) 261313 (Software Engineer) 263111 […]

Changes to Skilled Migration for Engineers

19/1/16 This year, the government has introduced a number of laws and regulations to benefit engineers who wish to migrate to the country.  The changes are summarised below: Changes to Skills Assessment The TOEFL iBT English test is now accepted by Engineers Australia, in addition to the IELTS. In another change, a student visa holder […]