Australian Visa Options

Australian Visa Options

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<p>Latest News</p>

Grandfathering Provisions for 457 Visa Holders After March 2018

22 November 2017 If you held a Subclass 457 visa, at the time changes were made on the 18/04/17 or if you had lodged an application on or before the 18/04/17, you will be able to get the following concessions for Permanent residency through the Temporary Residence Transition stream (ENS and RSMS) after March 2018: […]

BSMQ Update: interstate skilled applicants no longer eligible for State Nomination

25 October 2017 Interstate applicants are no longer able to apply for Queensland state nomination. If you are currently interstate, in order to be eligible for Queensland state nomination, you must meet the Working in Queensland or Alumni pathway criteria. This would require you to move to Queensland and meet any working requirements before submitting […]

Changes to Victorian State Nomination for Engineering and Building Occupations

12 October 2017 There will be a temporary closure on applications for engineering and building occupations on the Visa Nomination Occupation List for Victoria and they will not be accepted from 16 October 2017 to 12 January 2018. Applicants who hold an offer of employment in Victoria in their nominated occupation or meet the streamlined PhD or 457 pathwaysare not affected […]

Peru Added to Work and Holiday List

1 October 2017 Peru has been added to the list of eligible countries for a Work and Holiday 462 visa. From 1 October 2017, Peruvian nationals will be able to apply for Subclass 462 Work and Holiday visa provided they have not turned 31 at the time of application, have tertiary qualifications; or successfully completed […]

Queensland Suspends Processing State Nominations in 24 Occupations

21 August 2017 Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) announces on 21 August that they would temporarily suspend processing of nominations in 24 occupations. Due to high numbers of EOIs for the occupations listed below, BSMQ will not be accepting any further EOIs from 22 August 2017 for the below occupations until further notice: 221111 […]

South Australia Allows Civil Partner Registration

1 August 2017 Couples can now register their relationship with Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) if at least one person in the relationship lives in South Australia. Couples may apply irrespective of their sex or gender identity. People who have been married before, been in a relationship registered in South Australia or in a ‘corresponding […]

The ACT Migration Program Is Now Closed To Overseas Applicants

23 August 2017 However, if you are living overseas and you have close ties (either family or genuine job offer) in Canberra; OR you have completed a PhD at an ACT university, you can still apply for ACT nomination if you meet the criteria. If you have already submitted an application and paid the service […]

Changes to 457 Trade Skills Assessments

1 July 2017 New list of nominated occupations and countries for 457 trade skills assessments by Trades Recognition Australia

ACT State Nomination Re-opens

4 July 2017 The new ACT Occupation lists and guidelines were updated on 4 July 2017. If you are currently in Australia, you must be living in Canberra to be eligible to apply for ACT nomination. Please note the ACT does not have access to nominate subclass 489 visas. If you are living overseas, you may be eligible for […]

Queensland State Nomination Re-opens

1 July 2017 The skilled visa nomination program for visa subclasses 190 and 489 in Queensland is now open. The new Queensland Skilled Occupation Lists (QSOL) is also now available on our website here. Please be reminded that if you have already submitted an EOI with SkillSelect that has not been considered prior to the program […]

Changes to the Tasmanian State Migration Program

1 July 2017 From 1 July 2017 New Category for overseas applicants (489 visa only) Changes to eligibility for ‘Category 3 – Family in Tasmania’ From 1 August 2017 Labour market testing for ‘Category 2 – Job Offer’ (489 visa only) From 1 October 2017 Three months prior employment requirement for ‘Category 2 – Job […]

New Skilled Occupation Lists

1 July 2017 As of 1 July 2017, the lists of eligible occupations have been revised following a review, with: 36 occupations newly eligible for the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) and the Employer Nominated Scheme (subclass 186), and some occupations moved between the Short-term Skilled Occupation List  (STSOL) and the Medium and Long-term […]